• Posted by Nesi
When looking for a Sackboy pattern I came across a pattern done by DuckTapeGuru and I adapted it to make a Sackbaby. Instead of using the head I used the body twice and cut the Arms in half. It takes about 2:30 hrs to make the body but putting the Hair takes a lot longer.
When looking for a Sackboy pattern I came across a pattern done by DuckTapeGuru and I adapted it to make a Sackbaby. Instead of using the head I used the body twice and cut the Arms in half. It takes about 2:30 hrs to make the body but putting the Hair takes a lot longer.
click on picture then right click and save, print A4 Cut out pattern, the outside line is for machine sewing, the inside is for hand sewing. My Sackbaby is sewn by hand because I like the stiched seam look when it is turned inside out. The Body and head pattern is the same make sure that you get them the right way round.
Head / Body Mark the top of each Body piece so they aren't stitched in upside down. Place two together and starting at the bottom stitch to the top. don't worry if they dont match fully at the top or are a bit messy this will be covered by the head. On the last body side stitch to 2cm from the top and knot off then turn the body the right way and stuff and close up. I stuffed mine firm but you can do it anyway you want. You can also add beads to give some weight. Do the same for the Head but stitch from the top to the bottom. Stitch bottom of the head to the top of the body.
Legs / Arms Fold Arms in half down the middle. Stitch from the bottom to the top Turn the right way and stuff then close. With the Leg peices together stitch over the rounded bit all the way round, stop turn the right way stuff and close.
Assembly Place the arm on the body. Pin in pace. Start at the back and stitch across the top if the arm Place legs on the body, pin in place and stitch across the top
Face Stitch on Eyes Stitch tongue to mouth Stitch mouth to face
Now it is time for the Hair this is easy but takes time. I cut the wool into 30 cm lengths. using a wool needle. Start in the middle above the eyes where you want the fringe. It is easier if you mark a line around down the side of the head across the back and back up again. Thread one strand of wool. Stitch it through then take the needle off. Make sure that the wool is even lengths and double knot it. Now move a little further and do the next one
Now leave a 5ml gap and start on one side and work to the other. Do not fill the head in with too much hair or it will all end up sticking stright out, unless you want it to!
Because I wanted mine to have pig tails I did 3 rows stright down the middle.
Cut the hair to the length you want and style.
Now you just have to make some outfits - enjoy!