Cut Out + Keep

Ruki & Aoi Totebag

Stenciling Project • Posted by SammoGazeRock

I made this totebag for my dear friend's birthday and gave it to her when we met up on our flight to Japan in December (just in time for the Tokyo Dome show too!). There's Ruki from the Gazette on one side and Aoi on the other. I also made her a little Ruki shimeji keychain (with permission from the artist) with shrink plastic. I'm so glad that she loves the bag because I haven't made anything in a while. The bag is made out of canvas fabric.

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium izumibag1 1296532094 Medium izumibag2 1296532105 Medium izumibag3 1296532110 Medium izumibag4 1296532116


I made this totebag for my dear friend's birthday and gave it to her when we met up on our flight to Japan in December (just in time for the Tokyo Dome show too!). There's Ruki from the Gazette on one side and Aoi on the other. I also made her a little Ruki shimeji keychain (with permission from the artist) with shrink plastic. I'm so glad that she loves the bag because I haven't made anything in a while. The bag is made out of canvas fabric.
