Cut Out + Keep

Rugged Vest

first attempt at my very own patterned garment • Posted by Lisa D.

Found this incredible fabric at the thrift store. It was one yard of tattered, heavy embroidered and textured goodness. How could I resist? So I took it home. And wanted to make a vest. I don't wear vests. Just absolutely begged to be made. So here I sit. In my new vest. I had no vest pattern. So I looked at a couple of vests online, didn't like ANY, and decided to make my own. Following are my steps :D WARNING: SEVERE AMATEUR!!! I'm sure I did multiple things wrong...if you know of a better all means, do it!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2010 07 16 21.31.59 1279342153 Medium 2010 07 16 21.32.49 1279342225 Medium 2010 07 16 21.34.44 1279342461


Found this incredible fabric at the thrift store. It was one yard of tattered, heavy embroidered and textured goodness. How could I resist? So I took it home. And wanted to make a vest. I don't wear vests. Just absolutely begged to be made. So here I sit. In my new vest. I had no vest pattern. So I looked at a couple of vests online, didn't like ANY, and decided to make my own. Following are my steps :D WARNING: SEVERE AMATEUR!!! I'm sure I did multiple things wrong...if you know of a better all means, do it!


  1. Small 2010 07 16 19.19.13 1279342429

    Measure yourself! I drew out a rough sketch of the shape I wanted for the back, then visually broke it down into pieces. I measured from where I thought seams naturally laid (middle of shoulders, side of ribs) and added .25 for seam allowance. (PS - I wish I had added a bit more...) I also wish I had added some curvature for the arms in the back...oh well. Live and learn.

  2. Small 2010 07 16 19.47.17 1279342523

    Ditto of step one, except for the FRONT of the vest. I plucked a design out of my head and measured. (I had some help by studying vest patterns before I started, so I kind of knew the basic shape)

  3. Small 2010 07 16 19.41.17 1279342627

    I don't have any big I improvised with regular paper, a measuring device, and duct tape (call me Magyver)... I knew my measurements and just made sure the paper was large enough to encompass it all... Transfer measurements and rough of shape (to the BEST of your ability) to the paper... Since the back piece is a folded piece, I cut the bottom and neck measurements in half.

  4. Small 2010 07 16 19.52.52 1279342695

    Snippy snippy the paper! Then fold fabric in half, right sides together. Place inner side of back against the fold. Place the front wherever you want. Pin. Snippy snippy the fabric! You should now have one back piece and two identical front pieces.

  5. Small 2010 07 16 20.17.04 1279342851

    With right sides touching, one at a time, pin and sew (whatever your seam allowance...I had .25 inch): Top shoulder of front to top shoulder of back. Side front to side back (matching the bottom edges. Side note: the fabric will pucker. It's not a flat fit...this allows for boob room! (Bewb Rewm)? I ended up going over the seam line twice for sturdiness as my fabric is uber-thick and stringy.

  6. Small 2010 07 16 20.57.03 1279343016

    Fold in all exposed rough edges by your seam allowance and sew. I ended up having to dart the bottom corners of my vest. I'm horrible at darting. I'm even worse at finishing hems. BUT...I'm pleased.

  7. Small 2010 07 16 21.33.44 1279343746

    Things I'd do differently if I was ever as inspired to make another vest: Measure/cut my rib side edges at an angle. The vest tends to pull to the back a bit with a straight line. Add a curve to the back shoulder area. BUT. It's my first "out of my head" garment. If anyone else is so inspired, GO FOR IT!