• Posted by neondoll>_<
one day i was watching the news and i heard about the engagment! i thought mabye it would make a cool shrinky dink ring. also, if you want to add glitter but if you don't feel like puting on clear nail polish and then glitter use glitter nail polish.
one day i was watching the news and i heard about the engagment! i thought mabye it would make a cool shrinky dink ring. also, if you want to add glitter but if you don't feel like puting on clear nail polish and then glitter use glitter nail polish.
using a picture of the ring, draw a template on a peace of paper.
trace it on a sheet of sheet of shrinky dinks, then colour it in.(to get the silver i used a gel-pen)
cut it out.
shrink it.
coat it in clear nail polish.
add glitter if desired.
hot glue to a ring base and........