• Posted by Leo R.
At the moment I'm in a crazy Kingdom Hearts mode! I have always loved the way Roxas dresses and I decided to make the rings :] AkuRoku FTW ;P This is my first tutorial - ever - so please let me know if it's confusing in anyway or if there is anyway I can improve :] I used black and white to stick to Roxas' style. Feel free to use any colours you want! I look forward to your versions :]
At the moment I'm in a crazy Kingdom Hearts mode! I have always loved the way Roxas dresses and I decided to make the rings :] AkuRoku FTW ;P This is my first tutorial - ever - so please let me know if it's confusing in anyway or if there is anyway I can improve :] I used black and white to stick to Roxas' style. Feel free to use any colours you want! I look forward to your versions :]
Draw out a rectangle with your desired width. Leave a little extra wiggle room and room for stitching (not a large amount though. Depends on how big you stitch.) I did 4x7.5cm because I wanted it to be quite long and my fingers are fat :P
Wrap the paper around your finger to check the measurements are correct. It took me several goes before I got it right :]
Pin the paper to the felt and cut out. Try to keep it as straight as possible.
(Sorry the picture isn't very clear..) Fold the felt in half and pinch. Sew over the edge. I used whipstitch and did 2 stitches each time to ensure it was tight and unlikely to fall apart.
Push the felt down and in on itself.
Repeat for the black :] And you have your very own Roxas rings! :D