• Posted by Myam
Download and print the pattern . You will have to click on the image to view and print its true size.
Fold the pieces in the middle and sew. For the oval pieces, fold from the farthest points. Leave a half-inch allowance for turning inside out. After sewing, turn inside out. it's never a good idea to use a pointed thing for this part. i am using the blunt handle of my machine brush here.
ready for assembly
Take your smallest piece and tuck the part that you did not sew into the half circle. Hand sew the bottom straight part (using running stitch) and pull until you have a petal-shaped piece.
stitches gone a-runnin'
first petal, yay
Do not cut the thread. Continue by attaching a button (or bead or anything pretty) to the part of the petal that you gathered. thank god for crystal buttons
Now work on your second smallest piece using step 2. Attach this to the other side of the button.
Follow step 2 when working on your medium pieces. Attach them to the assembled rosette this way:
You can attach now attach this to a blouse, bag, dress, etc. Or you can attach a pin (secured by a bias tape to hide the gathered areas) under your rosette to make it movable. it is better to use a matching bias tape for this part. that's why mine looks ugly.
The photo below was taken the next morning. This shows the true color of the fabric. When I’m taking pics for a tutorial, I kinda don’t care about adjusting the camera’s white balance. Hehe.