Cut Out + Keep

Rosette Ribbon Brooches

Rosette style brooches made from pretty ribbons • Posted by rose c.

I made these brooches after finding a design on the internet, I then sold them as part of my fund-raising project, my friends love them!

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Nice & Simple
Medium img 3070 1256807262


I made these brooches after finding a design on the internet, I then sold them as part of my fund-raising project, my friends love them!


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    Choose two or three different pieces of ribbon in contrasting colours; one should be at least 1cm wider than the other. Cut each piece to an appropriate length: for anything wider than 5cm, half a metre, for ribbon about 3-4cm wide, about a third of a metre, and for anything thinner, use a quarter of a metre

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    Use a piece of thread that is around twice the length of the ribbon. Oversew three stitches at the bottom end of the ribbon to secure the ribbon in place. This is the start of the first ruffle and will keep the thread in place. Now sew a running stitch all the way along the edge, make sure that each stitch is the same length.

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    When you have finished the sewing gently pull the thread whilst pushing the ribbon down it - gathering the material and creating a ruffle Now oversew the two ends of the ribbon together and you have your first ruffle!

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    Make another one or two of different sizes. Experiment with different colours and textures.

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    When you have made all of your ruffles sew them on top of each other in a correct pretty way. Then add buttons, beads and embellishments to the centre and arrange ribbons to hang down from the centre.

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    Ta da! You've made a rosette brooch!