
It would be cute in an old perfume bottle.

Cupcake girl
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
28 projects
Dang! I wish that I knew about this before I threw away my dying roses!

37 projects
Wow! That is so cool! I want some!

2 projects
Does the rose do anything special? I know that its used to alot of beauty products i just didnt know why

Richmond, Virginia, US
2 projects
Oh wow that looks so lovely

Yona D.
Concón, Valparaiso, CL
3 projects
Your bottle was sooo perfect for this. It looks like a love potion lol.

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
I'm not sure but as I always say, give it a go and let us know!

Stephanie N.
1 project
can you use other types of flowers?

Petaluma, California, US
1 project
I've always wanted to know how make rose water! Thanks for posting!

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
Aww, no problem!

keep out designs
1 project
i made some of this for a friend she loved it! thanks for the grea ideas!

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
I'm pretty sure that you could use any type of rose, especially heavily scented breeds.

Does any kind of rose work, or does it have to be a particular cultivar? I grow sterling roses (light lavender in color) that are highly scented and might make good rose water. Might have to try it.

lady penelope
I love this!

Brendan Oh.
Chuo Ward, Fukuoka Prefecture, JP
2 projects
I love rosewater. I'm pretty sure you can use it in cooking too.

19 projects
Can this be used as rosewater in cooking as well?