• Posted by Willow Bon-Bon
This project is inspired by parties. Collecting all the table confetti, keeping all the wrapping paper and tying ribbon in our hair - thats what us crafters do. At a recent party, there were some very lovely cocktail sticks. So I decided to grab a know...before they all go, seeing as they are so pretty. I knew I would think of something creative to make with them... And here it is my vintage creation: Rose Flower Bracelet! I used the pretty decorations on the cocktail sticks as the bead, and the cocktail stick as a clever tool - which helped to create my wonderful bracelet! Please note: the sheet I provided is for personal use only. You may not re-distrubute or sell these. P.S: The time includes drying time.
This project is inspired by parties. Collecting all the table confetti, keeping all the wrapping paper and tying ribbon in our hair - thats what us crafters do. At a recent party, there were some very lovely cocktail sticks. So I decided to grab a know...before they all go, seeing as they are so pretty. I knew I would think of something creative to make with them... And here it is my vintage creation: Rose Flower Bracelet! I used the pretty decorations on the cocktail sticks as the bead, and the cocktail stick as a clever tool - which helped to create my wonderful bracelet! Please note: the sheet I provided is for personal use only. You may not re-distrubute or sell these. P.S: The time includes drying time.
First gather all you equipment and make sure you have printed out ONE (yes, just one) sheet of 'Flower Beads'.
Cut out all of the flowers from the sheet. I only used five beads for my bracelet - so thats only ten flowers to actually cut out - but you could use more to either make a wrap-around bracelet or to make a necklace.
Once they are all cut out, trace around the blue flower onto the white foam. You may want to use blue tack or pins to keep the paper flowers secure while your tracing around them. It is very important that the foam is thick otherwise you won't be able to thread your needle through it. It needs to be at least 0.5cm thick. You may want to fold the foam several times so you can cut more out at once. Now do the same with the pink flower. Now stick them together - paper flower, foam, paper flower. The reason why I used foam is because it has a 3D kind of effect, which it better than it just being flat and stuck onto card. IMPORTANT: Although this may seem obvious, wait until the flowers are dry because if you try to thread them onto the elastic while they are still drying, they will most probably slide off or make your elastic all wet and gluey. Easy mistake to make :).
Now all your beads have been made, we are going to thread them onto the elastic. Take the cocktail stick and push it gently through the 'bead' to make two clear holes at each end. Then thread the elastic onto your needle and push it through the other side until you can pull it out the other end. Do the same with all your remaining beads.
Finally tie a knot in the end and volia! A beautiful - and cheap-to-make - bracelet!