Based on Romance Novel Wallet by Rachel L.
Hey, sorry this isn't a great photo! I've been hunting around for old romance novels but everyone seems to have snapped them up so I've used pages from a comic book instead & just sewn up the sides using embroidery thread & added a big button. So far i've found that the best fastening to use is stick on velcro as it's neat & stands up to wear & tear pretty well. Hope you like my version! xxx
sandrabrianeggleston favorited Romance Novel Wallet 23 Jul 06:50
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Laura B. posted this project as a creation without steps
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Dover, England, GB
7 projects
Cool - love it, we have some old comics laying around so they will come to use now!

Fort Hood, Texas, US
136 projects
i like ow this turned out! did you use clear duct tape or lamenating?

Laura B.
Leeds, England, GB
5 projects
Thanks! Yeah I sewed it by hand & it wasn't too hard as the pages of a comic book aren't too thick you just need to use a big needle (I used a darning one). I've tried using press-studs as a fastening before but after a while they tend to rip the wallet so that's why I chose velcro for this one but I may have to add a few stitches just to secure it!

Rachel L.
North Carolina, North Carolina, US
1 project