• Posted by KMOM14
This flower is a combination of a loose rolled flower with a tight rolled flower glued in the center. I knew immediately when I saw the tutorial at Under The Table And Dreaming that I wanted to try to make some of these. On her blog she makes them in both paper and fabric. Link to the tutorial:
This flower is a combination of a loose rolled flower with a tight rolled flower glued in the center. I knew immediately when I saw the tutorial at Under The Table And Dreaming that I wanted to try to make some of these. On her blog she makes them in both paper and fabric. Link to the tutorial:
Take 3 pages of magazine and square them up - I folded them up until they looked square then cut off the excess.
With a small hook in the center, draw an outward spiral on the paper with a pen or pencil and it will look sort of like this (sorry, you couldn't see the pencil on the pic I took so I did this instead).
Cut the spiral on the lines and you will end up with a long squiggle of paper.
Start with the outer edge and roll inward. I ended up using dabs of glue as I went because the first time I tried making one after gluing the end the center unrolled like a Slinky. How tightly you roll the flower and how many layers you use will give the flower a different look. The large flower below was rolled loosely, lower left tightly and for the small one on the right I only used 1 layer of paper. For the above flower, a tight roll was glued inside the larger flower.