Cut Out + Keep

Rogue Hoody

Front laced hoody with a medieval vibe • Posted by Kat Grim

A cheap zip-up hoody from Primark, removed zip and stitched the sides together from the inside leaving a deep V-neckline. The eyelets I salvaged from an old corset top (the plastic boning had warped hideously!) which I pinned and sewed on, though equally you could punch holes and fit eyelets straight into the top. I made a bit of a sloppy job on this one, at some point I'll get round to neatening it up and improving the fit. It is very cosy afterall.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1722 1304681723 Medium dscf1721 1304682039


A cheap zip-up hoody from Primark, removed zip and stitched the sides together from the inside leaving a deep V-neckline. The eyelets I salvaged from an old corset top (the plastic boning had warped hideously!) which I pinned and sewed on, though equally you could punch holes and fit eyelets straight into the top. I made a bit of a sloppy job on this one, at some point I'll get round to neatening it up and improving the fit. It is very cosy afterall.
