Cut Out + Keep

Rock Necklace

easy cheap rock pendant • Posted by ChristineMarie

this is what happens with an obsession with rocks and shiny things hehe. i got this rock at a museum gift shop for 90 cents or something like that.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1329 Medium dscf1328


this is what happens with an obsession with rocks and shiny things hehe. i got this rock at a museum gift shop for 90 cents or something like that.


  1. get you a rock. it will work with other types of rocks this one just made it easier because of all the bumps and what not.

  2. DO NOT CUT YOUR WIRE DURING THE ENTIRE PROCESS TILL YOU GET TO THE END lol start at the bottom and wrap your wire around the rock a few times to keep it from falling out of the wire. heres where it gets interesting. . . use your creativity. my rock had a spot that sticks out so i wrapped my wire around it and made a swirl. make any patterns you would like then wrap the wire around back. bring it up to the top and wrap it around and form your loop to put your chain through. make sure your rock isnt going to fall out. if it is undo your wire and fix it around so it wont. if its good. snip your wire.