tgif quickie :: robot goody/tooth pillow
And, now, one for the boys. Or girls that like robots, too. Tuck in a tooth and beeept! boop! boink! kaaachink! out comes a special prize. Also good for gift cards, little love notes and special bits dear to little hearts. With the cost of shipping these days, I may just be sending along little dolls with gift cards for upcoming birthdays. It's cute, handmade and they get to go shop for themselves. Everyone wins!
Ms Dorito added Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow to Plushie 12 Jun 17:14
Neko-San K. favorited Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow 31 May 21:06
olivoyle favorited Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow 29 May 19:13
joelle.scottmurphy added Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow to like to try 22 Feb 10:53
joelle.scottmurphy favorited Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow 22 Feb 10:52
DMGINC favorited Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow 11 Feb 23:59
IceGymLeader favorited Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow 25 Oct 08:41
ann.meyers.31 favorited Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow 24 Sep 05:48
Oxie101 B. favorited Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow 06 Aug 22:03
Gertrude P. added Robot Goody / Tooth Pillow to Have to do list 02 Aug 00:35
You Will Need
Step 3
Sew arms together on three sides, right sides facing each other. Turn, press and stuff lightly.
Step 4
Iron pocket in half, making it 2.5" tall, 4" wide. Pin on body piece that has face.
Step 6
Finish your robot sandwich by placing back body piece, face down on top. pin all around. Remove unnecessary pins (don't want them stuck in your pillow...ouch). Sew all around edge, leaving a hole for turning. Remember the hole needs to be big enough to get the arms through. Check before you turn and stuff to make sure you have everything sewn in there all tidy. There's nothing more frustrating that turning and getting halfway stuffed before realizing you have a popped seam. argh.