Cut Out + Keep

Riot Of Color Inchies

Made for the Riot of Color Inchie Swap • Posted by Princess Pam-attitude

I made these for the Riot of Color Swap! When I heard the title for the swap fireworks were the first thing to come to mind! I love fireworks, the smell, the packaging, the anticipation and of course the bright colors aginst the night sky! I made the inchies out of black felt squares, embroidered with thread and embellished with glass seed beads! I wish I could have cloned them and kept a set for myself ^_^ Oh PS the last pic is of the backs, and I thought it looked super cool too!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 2011 03 13 21.14.43 1305022041 Medium 2011 03 13 21.14.53 1305022069 Medium 2011 03 13 01.51.05 1305022081 Medium 2011 03 13 21.15.05 1305022085 Medium 2011 03 13 01.39.09 1305022093


I made these for the Riot of Color Swap! When I heard the title for the swap fireworks were the first thing to come to mind! I love fireworks, the smell, the packaging, the anticipation and of course the bright colors aginst the night sky! I made the inchies out of black felt squares, embroidered with thread and embellished with glass seed beads! I wish I could have cloned them and kept a set for myself ^_^ Oh PS the last pic is of the backs, and I thought it looked super cool too!
