Cut Out + Keep

Ring Jointed Doll

My First Art Doll • Posted by Linakins

This is my first art doll. She is made from paper clay. I cannot give you the specifics on her build because I am producing these to sell, but I found the basics of doll making online, so any of you more studious crafters can probably figure this one out pretty easily.I will say that I used jewelry jump rings for her joints. Oveerall she is not difficult to make, but her steps are very time consuming. My" make time" does not reflect drying time. If you enjoy my work, please feel free to comment, and if you would like a doll of your own, please feel free to contact me about a sale or swap.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


10 h 00


Medium 102885 2f2014 06 28 114356 img 20140424 072314 zpse1f8eac3 Medium 102885 2f2014 06 28 114404 img 20140424 072348 zps7219b6fe Medium 102885 2f2014 06 28 114414 img 20140424 072323 zps3f45df96


This is my first art doll. She is made from paper clay. I cannot give you the specifics on her build because I am producing these to sell, but I found the basics of doll making online, so any of you more studious crafters can probably figure this one out pretty easily.I will say that I used jewelry jump rings for her joints. Oveerall she is not difficult to make, but her steps are very time consuming. My" make time" does not reflect drying time. If you enjoy my work, please feel free to comment, and if you would like a doll of your own, please feel free to contact me about a sale or swap.
