Cut Out + Keep

Rice Packs

Based on Rice Packs by SEWButterfly • Posted by Maytag Suzanne

Posting this as a version of this lovely lady's rice bag warmer. I did mine a year or so ago (on my blog, where I'm known as whycuzican) but saw this tut here, and see no need to post my own tut to make one because hers is great, so piggy backing here as a "version".

You will need


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium wordricebagdone


Posting this as a version of this lovely lady's rice bag warmer. I did mine a year or so ago (on my blog, where I'm known as whycuzican) but saw this tut here, and see no need to post my own tut to make one because hers is great, so piggy backing here as a "version".
