• Posted by Divya N.
You need absolutely no jewelry making skills to make these stunning earrings
You need absolutely no jewelry making skills to make these stunning earrings
Cut the silver crystal chain into four pieces of 3inches length (or 12 stones) and gold crystal chain into two pieces of 3 inches length. Both the silver and gold chains must be equal in length
Mix the glue: Araldite (epoxy glue) has 2 components – resin and hardner and they should always be mixed in equal proportion. Araldite dries off in 10-15 minutes after mixed so it’s a good idea to get all your prep done before you mix the glue. Take one squeeze each of the resin and hardner on a plastic sheet or a piece any glossy board (disposable) and mix them together with a toothpick until all striations disappear and you get dirty white glue.
On a Foam board or roll of cord place both the studs (perfectly horizontal) leaving enough space in between them and keep it in a cool, dust free zone. This will support the earrings when they dry.
Apply glue to the post and a little to one stone of the silver crystal chain and stick. Glue the gold crystal chain slightly below and complete with a silver crystal chain, level with the first chain. One earring is done.
Repeat the process of the other earring. Since araldite is a slow drying glue, you can move the chain slightly up and down to set it perfectly before it dries. However make sure that the chains are in the position you want them to be before the glue dries and hardens. Let dry for atleast 12-15 hours before wearing. If you use E6000 it will dry within 15-20 mins