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Version Of Revoluzzzionary Monster (Almost The Same)

Based on Revoluzzzionary Monster by Suse RevoluzZza • Posted by ryuk l.

Version of Suse RevoluzZza's Revoluzzzionary Monster. Almost the same but my proportions and fabric are different. Its the first time I've ever sewn anything so I'm pretty happy with the results. click the box to see the photo ( for some reason its not showing up till you click the box)

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2 h 00


Medium dscf2577 1237165869


Version of Suse RevoluzZza's Revoluzzzionary Monster. Almost the same but my proportions and fabric are different. Its the first time I've ever sewn anything so I'm pretty happy with the results. click the box to see the photo ( for some reason its not showing up till you click the box)
