Cut Out + Keep

Reversible Shopping Bag

Reversible shopping bag • Posted by Handmade Jane

This tutorial is for a reversible shopping bag with a wider base at the bottom. One thing to note - if your lining fabric is darker in colour than your outer fabric (as mine is), then I'd recommend interfacing the outer fabric to prevent the darker fabric showing through. It will also give your bags a little more structure.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Medium p1120950


This tutorial is for a reversible shopping bag with a wider base at the bottom. One thing to note - if your lining fabric is darker in colour than your outer fabric (as mine is), then I'd recommend interfacing the outer fabric to prevent the darker fabric showing through. It will also give your bags a little more structure.


  1. Small p1120790

    Cut out the following: 2 x rectangles of outer (canvas) fabric, each measuring 20 inches wide x 16 inches long 2 x rectangles of lining (cotton) fabric to the same dimensions 2 x rectangles of medium weight fusible interfacing to the same dimensions 2 x handle pieces each measuring 20 inches long x 4 ½ inches wide If you're using a directional print, make sure the print runs crossways in a landscape format.

  2. Small p1120800

    Apply fusible interfacing to the wrong side of the outer bag pieces (not shown). Fold one of your handle pieces in half lengthways, wrong sides together and press.

  3. Small p1120801

    Open out….

  4. Small p1120804

    ...fold in both outer edges to the centre and press.

  5. Small p1120806

    Fold in half again and press.

  6. Small p1120819

    Now top stitch along both long edges. Repeat for the other handle piece.

  7. Small p1120826

    We're now going to pin the handles to the lining pieces. Place a lining fabric piece right side up and mark along the top edge, 6 ½ inches in from each side. Pin one end of a handle piece to the right of the first mark - the raw edges of the handle should line up with the raw edge of the fabric. Then pin the other end of the handle piece to the left of the second mark as shown. Make sure the handle doesn't twist as you pin it.

  8. Small p1120828

    Take one of your outer fabric pieces and place it on top of the lining fabric, right sides together. Pin along the top.

  9. Small p1120834

    Checking that the handles are fully enclosed within the two pieces of fabric. Repeat for the other bag side and handle pieces.

  10. Small p1120848

    Take one of the pinned sections and sew right across the top edge, using a ½ inch seam allowance and back stitching over the two handle tops for extra strength. Take the remaining pinned section and sew in exactly the same way, but this time leave a 4 or 5 inch gap between the two handles. This is where we will turn the bag inside out later on. Don't forget to remove all pins holding the handles in place after you've sewn the top edge.

  11. Small p1120851

    Press open the seams on both pieces. This is the view from the right side with seams pressed open.

  12. Small p1120859

    Here's the turning gap.

  13. Small p1120862

    If you want to add a label, now's your chance! Make sure you position it a couple of inches from the top of the lining piece so it doesn't get in the way of the top stitching later.

  14. Small p1120873

    Open both bag side pieces out so that the two outer fabrics are on one side and the two lining fabrics are on the other. Place the pieces on top of each other, right sides together and pin all the way round.

  15. Small p1120865

    Make sure the two seams are right on top of each other. Sew all the way around the giant rectangle.

  16. Small p1120900

    Now for the gussets! This is a slightly tricky bit so I'll try to explain it as carefully as I can. You'll be making four gussets in total, one for each corner of the outer bag and lining. Take one of the corners, pull each side of the bottom seam tightly outwards as far as it will go until it flattens into a triangle. Make sure there isn't any excess fabric. The bottom seam should run right through the centre of this triangle and the side seam should run directly underneath. The seam you can see here is the bottom seam.

  17. Small p1120903

    Feel to make sure the two seams lie on top of each other. Pin into place.

  18. Small p1120909

    Measure 2.75 inches down from the top of the triangle and draw a straight line across.

  19. Small p1120910

    Sew across this line several times for strength. Trim the corner off, leaving a small allowance. Repeat for the remaining three corners.

  20. Small p1120917

    Turn the bag the right way round through the hole you left between the handles.

  21. Small p1120922

    This is what it will look like when it's first turned out. Press well and ensure all the edges are poked out as far as possible.

  22. Small p1120925

    Push the lining into position inside the outer bag.

  23. Small p1120933

    Press into place, ensuring that the lining is pressed just a smidgen below the outer fabric. A good way of pressing the squared off gusset edges is to position the bag on the edge of the ironing board.

  24. Small p1120938

    Top stitch right around the top edge of the bag just in from the edge so that the turning gap is stitched closed in the process.

  25. Small p1120949

    You now have a lovely neat reversible shopping bag, so go and fill it with goodies!