• Posted by edie d.
I decided to do my Zentangle with dye. Basically, using water-based resist applied with a fine-tipped applicator bottle, I batik'd up a neato reverse Zentangle sampler panel on fabric. Instead of dark lines on a white background, I've got white lines! OK, maybe the purists out there might look at me sideways but I think it's a pretty cool effect. I also did a few sample panels in different colors just for fun.
I decided to do my Zentangle with dye. Basically, using water-based resist applied with a fine-tipped applicator bottle, I batik'd up a neato reverse Zentangle sampler panel on fabric. Instead of dark lines on a white background, I've got white lines! OK, maybe the purists out there might look at me sideways but I think it's a pretty cool effect. I also did a few sample panels in different colors just for fun.
1) Prewash your fabric to remove any manufacturers' finishes that might prevent proper dye absorption. You're gonna want to iron it after for a nice smooth surface to work on. 2) Very lightly sketch out a basic composition. I used a light pencil mark that could be washed out. Vanishing fabric markers would be ideal for this purpose.
3) Fill the metal-tipped applicator bottle with Batik EZ resist and start drawing. Let dry fully. You can use a hair dryer if you're in a hurry. 4) Grab your rubber gloves and cover your work surface with plastic. 5) Place fabric on sheets of plastic wrap that has been overlapped so plastic is slightly larger than fabric. 6) Shake Rit Black liquid dye and measure out 1 Tbsp into 1 Cup of very hot 140° water and mix. Paint dye evenly across the fabric panel letting it soak well into the fabric. Note: I was creating a grey tone with the black dye so I used a weaker dye recipe. If I was going for a pure black color, I would have doubled the amount of dye. 7) Place a layer of plastic wrap over top and seal the edges. 8) Cover bottom of microwave with paper towels. Place plastic-wrapped fabric in microwave. Set on High for 2 minutes. Wearing rubber gloves, remove from microwave. Cut open plastic wrap. Allow fabric and wrap to cool. 9) Rinse under cool running water until water runs clear. Wash in warm water with mild detergent, rinse and dry. 10) Then I iron'd the fabric panel. Finally, I top-stitched it with bright yellow contrasting thread onto the front of a canvas bag as a giant, decorative patch pocket. So simple!