Revamped Garage Sale Car Ramps

Rusted garage sale $10 goody refurbished in present for Dad for Father's Day.

Posted by KMOM14


My son saw these car ramps at a garage sale for $10 that were a little rusty, but otherwise good shape and decided he wanted to get them and fix them up for his Dad - they had priced out new ones and they were around $60.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 2 Rusted but good shape Car Ramp s
  • 1 Grinder
  • 2 Cans Red Spray Paint
  • Newspaper or cardboard (not used, but he should have)

Steps (2 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    If you don't have one, you might ask around to see about borrowing one from someone that has one. Carefully grind off the rust so you have a smooth surface.

  2. 2

    Put down newspapers or cardboard underneath the ramps, otherwise you will end up with painted grass and sidewalk like we now have. Spray with one coat and allow to dry completely, then spray with another coat and allow it to dry and it will look like near new when you are done.