Revamp Your Boots

spice up the boots

Posted by violetta


We where getting ready for a festival last month and I wanted to wear my boots.These are the same boots I revamped in my Boots project.The paint from the previous revamp started to fade,so I decided to do something new.


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Spray Paint
  • Paper Tape

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get your boots,paper tape (regular tape will work too) and spray paint in desired color.

    Make sure you do this outside!

  2. 2

    Remove shoelaces.

    Tape the parts of your boots that you want to keep clear.

  3. 3

    Like this.

  4. 4

    Start spraying!

  5. 5

    Wait for the paint to dry,peel the paper tape off,put the shoelaces back and your done! :)

    Hope you enjoyed. :)