Restoration Hardware Or Other Catalogs ~ Stars ~ Holiday Decorations Or Use As Bows

I didn't invent this but I have redone it many times and hacked several versions...

Posted by terryann


I used Restoration Hardware Christmas Catalog, but any magazine pages will work. Pretty colors or images make the best stars... you can also make them small and use them as bows on packages. And nice paper can be used to fold special bows and stars.


You Will Need (5 things)

  • short length String Or Ribbon
  • one Double Sided Sticky Tape
  • 4 pages Catalogs Or Magazines With Pretty Colors Or Images
  • length Raffia
  • one Hot Glue Gun

Steps (15 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Choose beautiful or colorfull pages from magaizines or catalogs. I used Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barns Christmas Catalogs for these.

  2. 2

    find a good image.

  3. 3

    just tear out two pages....

  4. 4

    generally they need to be at least twice as long as they are wide... line them up like this with the narrow ends together.

  5. 5

    Use double sided tape to connect the two.

  6. 6

    begin to fold up at the end, narrow folds, about as wide as a finger, a narrower fold makes more spikes... continue folding till done...

  7. 7

    I have seen some instructions for these that count the folds and have strick restrictions for the measurements and folds... I believe they look just great with relaxed and creative folds...

  8. 8

    pinch in the middle of the accodion pleats.

  9. 9

    tie the center with the string, or a piece of ribbon, here I used a length of raffia.

  10. 10

    trim the ends, to a shape of your choosing, I used points here, you can cut rounded, blunt or square edges... you decide for your creative ideal.

  11. 11

    use the double sided tape to connect the top accordion pleats and also the bottom set.

  12. 12 what it will look like...

  13. 13

    glue a button on the center. I keep the ribbon ends long to tie to the tree or a box or something else...

  14. 14

    here is one I made last year for the top of my little tree.

  15. 15

    I tied some on to a larger ribbon, and then tied them to the curtian rod. Nearlly free Christmas Decorations!