Cut Out + Keep

Resin Pendants

First Try at Resin Pendants... • Posted by Elena W...

The idea was daunting when I first heard about it. Petrochemicals are freaky! Anyways, after the first shot, this isn't all that difficult. It did, however, require a lot of problem solving and PRECISE measuring, because if you don't measure correctly it won't turn out the way you want it to AT ALL. It takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes to actually finish everything your doing and let it sit. After that, it'll be about a 48-72 hour wait for it to harden and set up. All in all, it was 100% worth it, I'm going to do this WAY more often. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 45


Medium dscf6360 1221181856 Medium dscf6350 1221181881 Medium dscf6359 1221181911


The idea was daunting when I first heard about it. Petrochemicals are freaky! Anyways, after the first shot, this isn't all that difficult. It did, however, require a lot of problem solving and PRECISE measuring, because if you don't measure correctly it won't turn out the way you want it to AT ALL. It takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes to actually finish everything your doing and let it sit. After that, it'll be about a 48-72 hour wait for it to harden and set up. All in all, it was 100% worth it, I'm going to do this WAY more often. :)
