Cut Out + Keep

Remove And Prevent Split Ends

Who likes split ends? • Posted by Heatherr M'Kay

Who likes split ends? The answer is no one. Everyone hates it so lets get rid of them!!!

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium smooth hair 1221838663 Medium damage 1 1221838673


Who likes split ends? The answer is no one. Everyone hates it so lets get rid of them!!!


  1. Small 14809

    Chemicals - Any chemical is going to damage your hair. The includes hair spray, chlorine and hair dye. When swimming use a swimming cap or if you are too vain (like me) to wear it then run your hair under the shower. This gets the hair ready to absorb more water than chlorine. After swimming use lots of conditioner to restore glossiness.

  2. Small 14810

    Brushing and combing - NEVER back comb your hair! Don't brush your hair too much. 100 strokes is just being over the top. If you tie your hair up alot then use a scrunchie. Metal bits on hairbands damage your hair.

  3. Sun - Wear a hat or a leave in swimming cap to protect your locks from the rays.