Cut Out + Keep

Refashioned Black Wedges With Lace

i really like my new new shoes! • Posted by blurrymind

the first pictures of the "before" and the second one is the after, the third is a close up of the lace. you can use any kind of glue that works well with fabric, i used a glue gun for example. theses wedges were a little loose on me an i never wore them but i saw so e lace at the store and i just added lace to the shoe, i cut a little piece from the back sling and used the lace as a small tie to keep it all together and now they fit me perfectly!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium lace wedges 001 1311573614 Medium lace wedges 002 1311573674 Medium lace wedges 003 1311573688


the first pictures of the "before" and the second one is the after, the third is a close up of the lace. you can use any kind of glue that works well with fabric, i used a glue gun for example. theses wedges were a little loose on me an i never wore them but i saw so e lace at the store and i just added lace to the shoe, i cut a little piece from the back sling and used the lace as a small tie to keep it all together and now they fit me perfectly!
