Cut Out + Keep

Refashioned Baby Cot

Refashioned baby cot • Posted by

I'm currently renovating my sons nursery into a sea themed bedroom so I thought when not re-vamp his cot which was previously used when I had my daughter. Let me know how you think it turned out :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


4 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium image


I'm currently renovating my sons nursery into a sea themed bedroom so I thought when not re-vamp his cot which was previously used when I had my daughter. Let me know how you think it turned out :)


  1. Small image

    Firstly I sanded and wiped down the cot, I only sanded it to the point if the old paint we notlw matte instead of shines.

  2. Small image

    Then with spray cans lay down the base colours

  3. Small image

    With a lead pencil I drew on my draft design to be painted over

  4. Small image

    With acrylic paints I then started painting the image into the cot

  5. Small image

    After you finish painting the image you can spay with an aerosol clear cot so the acrylic doesn't scratch off