Cut Out + Keep

Redness Remover

Hide those red zits in a flash! • Posted by ZedZee

Not exactly a pimple treatment, but hides pimples without pore-clogging make-up. Don't worry, it won't make you look bright green!!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 02


Pretty Easy
Medium img 4193 1264316968


Not exactly a pimple treatment, but hides pimples without pore-clogging make-up. Don't worry, it won't make you look bright green!!


  1. Small 1 1264314392

    Put the moisturiser in the small container.

  2. Small 2 1264314403

    Add the green food dye.

  3. Small 3 1264314416

    Add the blue food dye.

  4. Small 4 1264314434

    Mix with the skewer

  5. Small 5 1264314463

    Apply a small amount to the red area, using the skewer. Rub in and watch the redness disappear!