Cut Out + Keep

Red Rice Rissoles

Great vegan fried goodies. • Posted by Veenessar

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Medium redricerissoles1 1278498192 Medium redricerissoles 1278498207



  1. Finely chop onion, garlic, pepper and sun-dried tomatoes. Heat margarine and oil in large pan. Add chopped vegetables. Fry until soft and starting to brown. Then add risotto rice and stir for 1-2 minutes.

  2. Cover mixture with stock . Add purée and the seasoning (parsley and oregano) Bring mixture to boil and reduce to simmer for approx 15-20 mins, covered.

  3. Test rice to see if done- should have some 'bite' left in it. Transfer mixture to bowl and chill in fridge until completely cooled. (this allows mixture to thicken up)

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    Once cooled, scoop out mixture and form into balls. Coat well with bread crumbs. When all covered, place back in fridge for 30 mins.

  5. Heat oil in fryer until a crumb starts to fry upon contact with oil. Add the risotto balls and fry until golden brown. They cook very quickly and do not leave unattended.

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    Dry off with old newspaper or paper towels. Enjoy!!!