• Posted by Vonniesprettythings
Red Lego brick birthday cake. I made this for my daughters birthday You will also need I used 2 x 15cm square silicon cake tins and 4 silicon cup cake cases.
Red Lego brick birthday cake. I made this for my daughters birthday You will also need I used 2 x 15cm square silicon cake tins and 4 silicon cup cake cases.
First whip together your favorite sponge recipe. Make enough to fill your square cake tin and make 4 cupcakes. Below is the recipe I used Cream the butter and sugar till creamy Beat in the eggs 1 at a time Fold in the flour Place the cake in a 180c pre heated oven and bake. The cup cakes took about 15 minutes and the square cakes took 25 minuets. Take out the oven, leave to cool for 10 minutes and turn out on to a wire rack to cool completely
One the cakes have cooled, spread the butter icing on 1 of the squares and jam on the other Place the jam square on top of the iced one Spread jam on the top and sides of the cake
Knead the food colouring into the ready to roll icing sugar until you get the desired colour Roll out into a square that is big enough to cover the top and sides of the cake. Smooth out corners and trim if necessary
Even off the cup cakes and cover in jam Place tooth picks in the 4 coroners where the connector (??) bits would go Place the cup cakes on top of the tooth picks Roll out 4 circles of the icing, so that it covers the cup cake completely Wet your finger and blend icing from the bottom of the cup cake into the base
Take your black icing pen and write LEGO on top of each of the cup cakes And your finished