Cut Out + Keep

Red Cap Goblin

Scottish Redcap says "pass the haggis" • Posted by Azraels Requiem

Here's my Scottish Redcap. I decided to make this goblin after I made a stereotypical green goblin with an ax, I wanted to make a different kind of goblin and I remembered reading about Scottish Redcaps so I just made up my own. Overall he is one of my absolute favorite dolls :)

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20 h 00


Medium 100 3334 1290745626


Here's my Scottish Redcap. I decided to make this goblin after I made a stereotypical green goblin with an ax, I wanted to make a different kind of goblin and I remembered reading about Scottish Redcaps so I just made up my own. Overall he is one of my absolute favorite dolls :)


  1. Small 2010 07 299502.43.19 1292470561

    I started by drilling holes into the plastic ball and enlarging them until I could fit in two wooden eyes. And the face is started in the same way I start most of my dolls with a plastic ball with clay sculpted directly to the ball and allowed to dry over night.

  2. Small 2010 07 309523.56.29j 1292471080

    Here he is with a base coat.

  3. Small 2010 07 319501.18.45 1292471175

    Here he is with a few more details painted on and his little body hanging out underneath.

  4. Small 2010 07 319515.14.41 1292471298

    Here I added his little choppers which I made out of sharpened twigs.

  5. Small 100b3360 1292471429

    I carve little legs and arms attaching them with wire or carved joints. I painted him and gave him a Barbie skirt as a kilt sexy huh? I made him a little wooden pike and painted his shoes to look metal. The base is an old jewelery box decorated with a diorama kit and the driftwood I stole from my lizards tank, sorry shaggy but he didn't need the whole thing lol. His finger nails and teeth are made of sanded and sharpened twigs.