Cut Out + Keep

Red Bull Bangle Bracelet

Easy one-of-a kind bangle • Posted by Anne S.

About once a month, I get a free "Red Bull" magazine with my Sunday paper. The graphics, colors and weight of paper are perfect for decoupage. I used a thrift store plastic bangle, and glued narrow strips of paper using a decoupage medium, unto the bangle. It is very easy to do and costs next to nothing. I sealed the bangle with several coats of Triple Thick. It is hard to see, but there are words and pictures that "peek" out of the strips. Endless possibilities here!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0384 Medium img 0370


About once a month, I get a free "Red Bull" magazine with my Sunday paper. The graphics, colors and weight of paper are perfect for decoupage. I used a thrift store plastic bangle, and glued narrow strips of paper using a decoupage medium, unto the bangle. It is very easy to do and costs next to nothing. I sealed the bangle with several coats of Triple Thick. It is hard to see, but there are words and pictures that "peek" out of the strips. Endless possibilities here!
