• Posted by Roma
Four years ago the wind broke my enormous rainbow umbrella. I was upset, but not so upset that I put it in a bin. Oh no, I dragged it home with me, and left the rainbow fabric in my room for four years, waiting for me to find something to do with it. Today I made a necklace from it. Happy days.
Four years ago the wind broke my enormous rainbow umbrella. I was upset, but not so upset that I put it in a bin. Oh no, I dragged it home with me, and left the rainbow fabric in my room for four years, waiting for me to find something to do with it. Today I made a necklace from it. Happy days.
Cut your umbrella (or other fabric, you can use plastic bags) up into strips. They absolutely do not have to be the same length, if they're varied lengths it's more fun.
Next take three strips of the fabric, tie them at one end and plait them together. I used three different coloured strips in each of my plaits for fun.
Whenever one of the lengths of fabric runs out, tie a new one onto the end, and continue doing this for aaaaages until you have a plait as long as you want. I think mine was 3-4 meters long in the end, but if you want something wearable then go for a bit less
When you have your long plait, tie one end to a point further along the plait, and then loop it around once more, this time bigger, and tie again, etc etc until you have used up all your strip and/or are satisfied with how many loops you have. (The loops have to be big enough to accomodate your head)
If you have a strip left over at the end, it's nice to tie a bow at the back. It's not particuarly functional but it looks pretty.