Cut Out + Keep

Recycled Paper Bowls

Recycled Paper Bowls • Posted by Lucy V.

There are tons of tutorials for these all over here and the internet. Here are a few that I made! They are so fun, so easy, and so CHEAP! Everyone on my Christmas list is getting one of these this year :) The black and yellow one is my fave. I made it from the 2009 Steelers yearbook :) I also experimented with different shapes and sizes. I got bored with plain round ones and made some ovals ones, some big ones, some little ones.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc05239 1259027322 Medium dsc05238 1259027351 Medium dsc05237 1259027359 Medium dsc05235 1259027397 Medium dsc05234 1259027399 Medium dsc05236 1259027400 Medium dsc05233 1259027403 Medium dsc05232 1259027427 Medium dsc05231 1259027488


There are tons of tutorials for these all over here and the internet. Here are a few that I made! They are so fun, so easy, and so CHEAP! Everyone on my Christmas list is getting one of these this year :) The black and yellow one is my fave. I made it from the 2009 Steelers yearbook :) I also experimented with different shapes and sizes. I got bored with plain round ones and made some ovals ones, some big ones, some little ones.
