Recycled Magazine Bracelets

Make colorful summer bracelets with recycled magazines

Posted by Mark Montano


Recycled magazines and cereal box cardboard make colorful summer bangles for practically nothing! Watch the short video tutorial here:


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Magazine(s)
  • Cereal Box cardboard
  • Americana Acrylics
  • Triple Thick Gloss
  • Paintbrushes
  • White Glue
  • Ruler
  • Craft Knife

Steps (4 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    Cereal box cardboard
    Americana Acrylics
    White glue
    Americana Triple Thick Gloss
    Magazine pages

  2. 2

    Cut long strips of cardboard
    Wrap a strip around your hand to get your bracelet size
    Glue the cardboard into a bracelet and then glue on another strip
    *This will make it stronger
    Clip the cardboard together while it dries
    Cut magazine pages into 3" x 4" pieces

  3. 3

    Roll the pages into tubes (starting at the corner) and then secure with glue
    *You will need about 60 per bracelet
    Cut the tubes the width of the bracelet
    Glue them side by side all the way around
    Paint the inside of the bracelet and let dry

  4. 4

    Paint the tubes in different colors all the way around
    Dab another color on each edge
    Coat with Triple Thick Gloss and let dry
    *This will make them extra shiny and sturdy