Recycled Jersey Rug Of Happiness

Crochet rug made from old jersey tops

Posted by Delicate Stitches


I'm something of a magpie and can't throw anything away if I think I can re-use it. So, I have a lot of stuff! I've been meaning to make a rug for my studio since I moved in a year ago and I finally got round to it. I cut up all my old jersey tops and then used a 12mm hook to crochet this rug, based on a doily pattern.


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Jersey Fabric
  • 12mm Crochet Hook

Steps (6 steps, 540 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your materials. I used four vests and 8 t-shirts.

  2. 2

    Cut your jersey into strips. I like to work from the bottom up in a long spiral.

  3. 3

    Wind your jersey into balls and admire.

  4. 4

    Find a doily pattern you like, try ravelry for a good selection and start crocheting.

  5. 5

    Keep going

  6. 6

    Weave in any loose ends. Place on the floor and walk over it in bare feet. Admire.