Recycle Cans Into Art Supply Storage

spray paint tin cans to re-use them for storing art supplies

Posted by Andrea L.


It is amazing what you can do with a little spray paint. I loved recycling these cans into storage for art supplies, and the best part was that they cost me nothing to make. I dug through my recycling bins for cans and used spray paint I already had from previous projects. The different sizes are perfect for your little one's art and craft supplies.


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Tin Can(S)
  • Spray Paint

Steps (3 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    First, make sure your cans have a smooth edge. I have one of those great can openers from tupperware than leaves a smooth edge. Wash your cans thoroughly (I removed my labels and then used a little goo gone to get the sticky residue off). I ran mine through the dishwasher. Before spray painting insert a piece of paper to keep the inside all unpainted.

  2. 2

    Spray paint about three coats of paint to get a clean glossy even look. Let dry for several hours before filling them up with your art supplies.

  3. 3

    You can use any size tin or can - even coffee cans, which are perfect for storing painting supplies and markers. I had a blast making these, and can't wait to make some more. Being able to visually see everything available really draws in excitement and attention. Have fun making yours!