An easy and decorative way to organize your earrings
I can't remember where I've got this idea from, I think it's been on a german forum ages ago.
It's dead simple, can be a bit dangerous tho, so be careful not to burn yourself (and try not to breath in the fumes!)
Take your safety pin and heat it with the lighter until its tip is turning red. I chose a safety pin cause it's easier to hold when its hot.
Then simply burn holes in the record wherever you want your earrings to hang. This works best, if you twirl it a bit to make them big enough.
eFenuska added Record Earring Holder to Home 05 May 17:56
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disarm posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Fort Wayne, Indiana, US
378 projects
What a retro cool was to store/display earrings!

Portsmouth, England, GB
3 projects
I just hang it on a nail, the record has already a hole in the middle, so no big efforts. It's easy to take off the wall and even with longer studs it should be ok, if you let the nail stick out long enough.

London, Ontario, CA
How does this attach to the wall? The trouble I always run into with earring holders is that the earrings with backs are a royal pain, especially the studs. Ideas?

Groovy Mama
College Station, Texas, US
11 projects
A dremel tool works good for these too! I have them everywhere in my room!