• Posted by ZanyDays
Cut up your frozen bananas into sizes small enough for your food processor to handle. Let them thaw for a few minutes before blending them up, it'll make the whole process a LOT easier.
Add Cinnamon and blend.
Pour each batch (I had to make five separate batches of creamy banana goodness!) into a chilled bowl. It's okay if it gets melty. Melty is good for this next step.
Rinse your food processor!
Grab your frozen berries. It's okay to let these thaw a few minutes before using also. You want these two mixtures to be swirl-able =)
Process your cherries and strawberries (or raspberries, or blueberries, or peaches, or mangos) until smooth.
Add the berry mixture to one side of the melty banana mixture.
Go crazy with it =) This recipe is great for using up fruit that is just about to turn.