Cut Out + Keep

Rainy Day Necklace

Based on Rainy Day Necklace by demonknitter • Posted by Heather G.

This is my version of the rainy day necklace. It is just a pendant rather that a whole necklace. I made the cloud part from shrink plastic and once shrunk I attached the chain parts and the raindrop beads. It has in fact rained all the time I was making this! And the sun came out once I had finished!

You will need


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 463298 10150710071523348 786593347 9343036 274839195 o Medium 460748 10150710068073348 786593347 9343032 984501186 o


This is my version of the rainy day necklace. It is just a pendant rather that a whole necklace. I made the cloud part from shrink plastic and once shrunk I attached the chain parts and the raindrop beads. It has in fact rained all the time I was making this! And the sun came out once I had finished!
