Cut Out + Keep

Rainbow Ring

Thread+Wax+Glass=Ring • Posted by manabunga

hello, dear people! here's another little something i created that costs nothing and is easy to make: Ze[n] Ring. it is my favorite ring, maybe because i'm crazy about glass beads, maybe because it has therapeutic effect [i love glass beads + little glass eggs are so smooth and cool to the touch and the ring itself is soft and the colors are so positive], anyways, it is always with me, when not on my finger then on a key chain on my bike. any thread can be used to make it, and any beads will do, and you can knit it, crochet or use finger braids, you can use a fabric scrap, tie it in a knot and set beads atop, it's up to you. i'm just a bit crazy and "mathematical" in my projects, that's why it is difficult for me to write how-to's, and all step-by-step pictures of my creative madness are gone with the betrayal of my hard drive ='( because i'm a self taught artist with limited access to tools and materials, i just use whatever comes to hand [and recycle recycle recycle!]: this ring was made with beads [that were cut off of an ugly lamp] with the help of a candle and a little stick that i used as a "hook". After the waxed crochet-knitted hybrid was done, i went with a needle all over again to secure it, then came beads and then i knotted and burned the tread =) thank you for your attention! <3

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 1st 1274775299 Medium 2nd 1274776153 Medium 3rd 1274776245 Medium 4th 1274776740 Medium 5th 1274777640 Medium 6th 1274778008


hello, dear people! here's another little something i created that costs nothing and is easy to make: Ze[n] Ring. it is my favorite ring, maybe because i'm crazy about glass beads, maybe because it has therapeutic effect [i love glass beads + little glass eggs are so smooth and cool to the touch and the ring itself is soft and the colors are so positive], anyways, it is always with me, when not on my finger then on a key chain on my bike. any thread can be used to make it, and any beads will do, and you can knit it, crochet or use finger braids, you can use a fabric scrap, tie it in a knot and set beads atop, it's up to you. i'm just a bit crazy and "mathematical" in my projects, that's why it is difficult for me to write how-to's, and all step-by-step pictures of my creative madness are gone with the betrayal of my hard drive ='( because i'm a self taught artist with limited access to tools and materials, i just use whatever comes to hand [and recycle recycle recycle!]: this ring was made with beads [that were cut off of an ugly lamp] with the help of a candle and a little stick that i used as a "hook". After the waxed crochet-knitted hybrid was done, i went with a needle all over again to secure it, then came beads and then i knotted and burned the tread =) thank you for your attention! <3
