'Rainbow On My Feet' Stilettos


Posted by Scharminkeltje


I had this old pair of platformed stilettos that I painted pale blue and written mine and my ex-boyfriend's names' history on(me on the right one,him on the left one).We split up and I felt really sorry that a pair of such lovely and comfy shoes is constantly reminding me of that...


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Masking Tape
  • Vernix
  • Paintbrush
  • Acrylic Paint
  • High Heels

Steps (8 steps, 300 minutes)

  1. 1

    Clean your shoes of any dirt

  2. 2

    Tape them so that the area you want clear remains clear

  3. 3

    Paint awayyyy....

  4. 4

    Keep going!

  5. 5

    Let your shoes dry completely
    (approx. 1 h) then paint another coat of colours

  6. 6

    Once the second coat is dry,rip off the tape carefully

  7. 7

    Spray with vernix (or any clear waterproof sealant)

  8. 8

    Et voila! And here is my inspiration..