Cut Out + Keep

Rainbow Hair =D

Based on Rainbow Hair =D by Tara Gypsy Apples • Posted by Nathan

Oh yeah! My super cool, freshly bleached and dyed rainbow mohawk. I used La riche 'Directions' hair dye, and I hope it'll stay in well :]. Especially after I let the dye in my hair for almost an hour. Update: Wow... green faded really fast. In just over a week it faded so much you can barely tell the difference between green and yellow. The other colors are still great though.

You will need


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium regenboog haar klein 1278798340


Oh yeah! My super cool, freshly bleached and dyed rainbow mohawk. I used La riche 'Directions' hair dye, and I hope it'll stay in well :]. Especially after I let the dye in my hair for almost an hour. Update: Wow... green faded really fast. In just over a week it faded so much you can barely tell the difference between green and yellow. The other colors are still great though.
