Cut Out + Keep

Rainbow Cupcakes!

Based on Rainbow Cupcakes! by Phwarfcat • Posted by Roxanna

My best friend and I made these and they were so much fun! ~Instead of using the original recipe we used a box mix. It was a lot easier for us to use. Also we added some extra fun to it! We made clouds on one top half, blue icing sky on the other half and rainbow colored sprinkles as rain! They were adorable!~ The first time we bit into our cupcakes we were so happy that they turned out as pretty as they did! Our moms didn't want to eat them because they were so cute! Our next task is to make a HUGE RAINBOW CAKE for our birthdays!

You will need


1 h 30


Medium roxanna s picz 2003 1247028449 Medium roxanna s picz 2025 1247027587 Medium roxanna s picz 2004 1247028509


My best friend and I made these and they were so much fun! ~Instead of using the original recipe we used a box mix. It was a lot easier for us to use. Also we added some extra fun to it! We made clouds on one top half, blue icing sky on the other half and rainbow colored sprinkles as rain! They were adorable!~ The first time we bit into our cupcakes we were so happy that they turned out as pretty as they did! Our moms didn't want to eat them because they were so cute! Our next task is to make a HUGE RAINBOW CAKE for our birthdays!
