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Rainbow Cupcakes!

Based on Rainbow Cupcakes! by Phwarfcat • Posted by ZZZ

"Oh what a wonderfully average birthday cake you have made for me daughter!" "Why thank you mom." "Wait, that is this? Oh! How wonderful a cake your have made me! I have such a deeper love for this delicious treat now!" SCENE I made it for my mom's 50th birthday, but we put 30 on it to make her feel better ^_^

You will need


1 h 30


Medium cake005 1218068090 Medium cake002 1218068059 Medium cake003 1218068067 Medium cake004 1218067943 Medium cake007 1218068097


"Oh what a wonderfully average birthday cake you have made for me daughter!" "Why thank you mom." "Wait, that is this? Oh! How wonderful a cake your have made me! I have such a deeper love for this delicious treat now!" SCENE I made it for my mom's 50th birthday, but we put 30 on it to make her feel better ^_^
