Cut Out + Keep

Rainbow Cupcakes

Look at all the pretties! • Posted by Jackkie

I thought I'd try it out finally. I cheated and used a cake mix instead of making them from scratch. (I did that first, it tasted really nice uncooked but as soon as I cooked it, it went all brown and they sunk after rising...idk why)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 40


Pretty Easy
Medium 20130202 230210 Medium 20130202 230126 Medium 20130202 225656 Medium 20130202 230651 Medium 20130202 173113


I thought I'd try it out finally. I cheated and used a cake mix instead of making them from scratch. (I did that first, it tasted really nice uncooked but as soon as I cooked it, it went all brown and they sunk after rising...idk why)
