Radioactive Dirt Cupcakes

Radioactive dirt covered cupcakes can sometimes be the result of strange life forms.

Posted by Lunnie L.


This project was more of an experiment than anything else.

Firstly, I had never really attempt to get bright colours with food colouring. Secondly, this was also an attempt at creating homemade marshmallow fondant for the second time. I have to say it turned out much better than when I had done it the first time and the cupcakes were all devoured under the space of an hour by friends.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • A variety of Gel Food Colouring
  • homemade or storebought Marshmallow Fondant
  • Chocolate Icing
  • 1 White Cake Mix
  • A package of 100 Paper Cupcake Cups
  • Chocolate Cookie Crumbs