Quorn Korma

Yummy Vegi Korma

Posted by Arty Kitkat


I came up with the recipe for this from using following a recipe on the back of Sainsbury's Korma Powder for Chicken curry but I have modified it to make it vegi and mine isn't made from a premixed powder, I mix mine myself using the spices. This took a little tweaking to get it right but me & my bf love it :)


You Will Need (16 things)

  • 1 Onion(s) finely chopped
  • Quorn chunks
  • 1 tbsp Tomato Puree
  • 2 tsp Corriander
  • 1 tsp Cumin
  • 1 tsp Tumeric
  • 1 pinch Chilli Powder
  • 1 pinch Cinnamon
  • 200 ml Single Cream
  • 125 ml Vegetable Stock
  • 1 pinch Cumin Seeds
  • 8 oz Bismati Rice
  • 400 ml Boiling Water
  • 2 tbsp ground Almonds
  • 1 tbsp flaked Almonds
  • 2 tbsp Vegetable Oil or could be sunflower

Steps (6 steps, 45 minutes)

  1. 1

    Fry your onion on a low heat in about in your oil. Fry for a couple of minutes until it is soft. Now add your quorn (a couple of handfuls) and cook and stir until it starts to cook on all sides.

  2. 2

    While all this is going on use a small bowl to mix your spices. Then add them to your onions. Stir them for about half a minute and then add your tomato purée and stir this into your onions and quorn.

  3. 3

    Next add your vegi stock and cream. This is when it starts to look Kormaish :). Leave this in your pan on a low heat, stirring occasionally until it starts to thicken. This will probably be about 10 or 15 minutes.

  4. 4

    Next get started on your rice. Put a tiny bit of oil in the bottom of a big frying pan and heat a pinch of cumin seeds. Let them sizzle and add your rice. Give it a quick stir to cover the rice and then cover in your boiling water. Add a couple of pinches of turmeric and cover with a lid. Cook for about 10 or 15 minutes till the rice has cooked and absorbed all the water.

  5. 5

    This is what your rice should be looking like. Hopefully your Korma should have thickened a little. Now add your ground almonds and flaked almonds and stir in.

  6. 6

    Now it should be ready to dish up. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do :). If you have room this goes very well with a Kashmiri Naan.