Cut Out + Keep

Quick Ring

Easy ring base • Posted by Sister Walker

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0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium 313305 293160697368018 100000222709731 1425572 2144765091 n 1316762403



  1. Small 299248 293160124034742 100000222709731 1425569 1476034416 n 1316762538

    This ring can be used to attach to any decoration.

  2. Small 319155 293160354034719 100000222709731 1425570 1396801342 n 1316762573

    Step 1 - Cut an 8 inch section. and using pliers creat a spiral on one end.

  3. Small 312871 293160537368034 100000222709731 1425571 1204292675 n 1316762724

    Step 2 - 20 gage is mostly pliable and you can use your fingers to minpulate, but if need use pliers to creat the circle around the finger.

  4. Small 313305 293160697368018 100000222709731 1425572 2144765091 n 1316762826

    Step 3 - Curl the end piece around the beginning to close ring. I suggest to make sure the end is facing up to keep from poking your finger.

  5. Small 311842 293160894034665 100000222709731 1425574 830032914 n 1316762973

    Step 4 - I will be attaching this piece to a polymer rose I created. And for the strength of glue I like to use Gorilla glue quick dry hold very very firm, add a drop to the back of your piece.

  6. Small 309252 293161154034639 100000222709731 1425577 1549072700 n 1316763098

    Step 5 - the sprial that was created at the beginning will be the flat surface to adhear the piece to.

  7. Small 300039 293161417367946 100000222709731 1425578 1664596604 n 1316763163

    Wha La a easy base to attach even the biggest pieces to and totally trustable!